Zostel Zostel Kolad
Zostel Kolad is a comprehensive holiday destination just 3 hours from Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra. Nestled on the banks of the Kundalika river, the hostel features a swimming pool, workstation area, and umpteen outdoor nooks to unwind. Solo or with a bunch of friends, your time in Kolad will be spent trying Konkani dishes, exploring tribal villages on hikes, and indulging in water adventures.
Recommended experiences:
Camp by the river, visit the tribal village and go for night boating. Try white water rafting, kayaking, and bungee jumping. Explore old forts and chase waterfalls.
poolSwimming Pool
hot_tubHot water
local_laundry_serviceLaundry Services (Extra)
wifiFree Wi-Fi
paymentCard Payment Accepted
local_drinkWater Dispenser
room_service24/7 Reception
casinoCommon hangout area
sports_esportsIn-house Activities
free_breakfastBreakfast (Extra)
luggageStorage Facility
layersTowels on rent
airline_seat_individual_suiteLinen Included
Contact Us
Locate Us
mapGet directions
At Gove, Post - Kolad, Taluka - Roha, District - Raigad, Maharashtra (402304)
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